Pink Manhood
Football and's fun!
The boys start to grow in their "manhood" during these early years. Yep, growling...tackling, chest butting, high fives..."manhood".
That's not just ALL...check out the picture below. Check out the PINK they ALL are wearing.
This is surely a sign of "manhood" too!
The boys of fall are the boys for the cause:)
One pink sock, and a pink wrist band was worn at their game this week.
The girls wore a pink bow instead of their big blue bow.
All to raise awareness for breast cancer.
It might not mean that much to some....but to others it's huge!
I'm proud of the boys. To top it off they WON!
Manhood and more thing.
Since the beginning of the season, my wonderful husband has been asked to pray for the boys before each game. This week, I looked over and saw the team praying. Oh MY! It was so stinkin' precious to see.
I didn't know the coaches laid hands on the boys! When I glanced over, I saw ALL the coaches (about 6 to 8) with both hands on the boys helmets or shoulders as Todd prayed for them! WOW! How wonderful:)
I forgot my memory card for my big camera to snap a shot but had a friend get one for me.
I'll post that as soon as she sends it to me.
Here's Levi with one of his best buds and awesome running back!
I guess Levi wasn't ready for the next time buddy!
At least you can see the pink sock a little closer:)
andddd...I guess the the secret is out. I DO have a little blog:) Just a sweet little family blog that I speak my heart and mind about! Nothing special and plenty of errors...but something that I can blabber more than Facebook!
Well...My friend sent the picture to me...I LOVE IT!
It's better than I thought! The boys are all putting their hands on each others shoulders:)