Texas Youth Football

Taken by Hannah Williams
Texas Football is a type of animal of its own kind.
Actually, I would call it a beast.
Football here can start as young as 3 years old.
I'll let that one soak in.
Yes, I said 3 years old.
Some might argue that it is way too young but really those little guys
can't do too much harm to each other...nothing worse than what they might 
do on the playground.
My son started in Kinder playing flag.
He has always been super competitive and hungry for action.

Since I came from Indiana I had no clue on the beast 
we were about to encounter.  
Crowds...I mean CROWDS come to cheer on their football player.
It doesn't surprise me anymore to see 500 or 1000 people at 
a youth football game.
Some of our crowd that had to travel 4 hours...but still came!

I've seen some of the bad side and a lot of the good  side to all of this.
There are teams that play to win and some that play to make others happy.
There are people that are great and supportive to their team, as well as the
having great sportsmanship.
There are some that don't have either.
My personal opinion is that you should cheer and cheer LOUD for 
your team.
You should never cheer or yell when the opposing team has a hurt player.
You should never start trouble with the opposing teams parents.
You should treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
If you win you should still tell the other team "good game".

I absolutely LOVE to watch!
I enjoy watching practice...I'm crazy.
 Texas Youth football even has Radio broadcasting for some of their games.
They have a State Championship that they play in a great venue.
Figuring out some of the hard knocks of this beast has been a journey.
A journey that keeps us focused on God and our abilities rather than 
drama and ignorant people.

People try to cheat...some get away with it and some don't.
So is the way with life.
Sometimes you have to make hard decisions to get out of a defeating position.

I have had people from completely different areas of the city and even
in the country, whom I know nothing
about, speak about my son.
By the way, He's pretty awesome...proud momma!

Recently my son thanked his great grandfather for coming to a game and
this almost 83 year old man told him that there was no need to thank him.
He said it is the light of his day...one of the things that keeps him going
to watch his great grandson perform out there on the football field.
He also said how much he loves to watch my daughter play volleyball
but Volleyball is a whole other beast in Texas that I won't go into now.

We have played for 3 teams (not including all american teams).
The team we are with now is awesome.
 I can tell you that I was, as I usually am, open minded but I worried a bit
on how well we would be welcomed.
We come from a different side of town, we are not the same ethnicity, and we're new.
I have never had a problem with this and actually embrace it...I guess I just see people
as people and not as color.
BUT that is not always the same with everyone.
I will tell you that they welcomed us with open arms.
I love that my team family teaches me new things from a different culture.
I love that we joke about my husband and his white skin:)
I guess I can say I LOVE my football team family.
That is what it is...a family.
Thank you to my LOBO family!
We are on the path to the State Championship.
SUPER Excited!

In ALL things no matter what...We give all glory to God!
Win or Lose we praise Him!
Levi giving God the Glory

Texas youth football is a thriving.

It's weird to think that next year we will transition into school ball.
I'm not sure how it will compare but I am excited for what is to come.


Anonymous said…
So true. Texas football is unlike any other state I have lived in. It is like a religion.

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