The circle of Trust
In the movie "Meet the Fockers" the girl's dad
speaks about the "Circle of Trust" for their family.
We kind of have that same thing.
I am very inviting, unlike the dad in the movie, but I am always
watching and researching to see if people are being totally truthful.
It's super important to me that people are the same in front of me as they are
in private or with other people.
If I've let you in...You're Good...and I will go to bat for you!
I will see the good in you and understand your imperfections.
Oh, but but but but.....
If you break that trust with ANY part of my family...
Good luck on trying to wiggle back into the "circle".
When you think no one is watching...You're wrong.
Be a person of integrity.
The circle of trust is something that bonds us.
We know and understand how important it is.
Don't be that someone that can't be trusted.
Your words and actions will always be in question.
Be the person that people know your word is truth.
That you don't say pretty things just to swoon.
That you save special words and special actions for that special person.
Not just the next person...
I love watching people.
I can totally see the "realness" of those as I am quiet and just watch their actions.
I watch people all the time.
I watch them in the stores, on the social media, at the schools or co-ops,
walking down the road, or just working outside.
No, I'm not a stalker, lol.
Sometimes it just takes time to really see who a person is.
And if they can be in that sweet "Circle."