
SOAP BOX TIME: Stepping on mine for a minute.

We all go through life with misconceptions.

It could be as simple as thinking the person that just cut you
off in traffic was a jerk.
When maybe that person is rushing to help someone in need, rushing to the hospital, 
or broken heartened with eyes full of tears.

Maybe it's thinking that because she's a woman, she can't do the job.
Because they are young, they can't be in love.
 Because they are old, their life is not as important.
Because she is handicapped, she can't take care of her family.
Because she is dyslexic, she is not smart or will never be successful.
Because he didn't go or finish college, he is not smart or worthy of a promotion.
Because they are of different race, their marriage is doomed.
I could go on and on.

Life is full of misconceptions!

Today I'm just feeling a bit frustrated and needing my Father to settle my heart.
I won't ask, "why so much ugliness or lack of real compassion"
I know what My Father will say.

Here's the thing...

Traffic is traffic...Some of those people are rude or can't drive to save their lives 
but many have a real reason they might be trying to get ahead of the crowd.  I've been one of those...
When Kainah was literally dying...I sped as fast as I could and drove like I owned the road.
My child was dying...I didn't care if I got a ticket or made people mad.

Being a woman is powerful...PERIOD
Anyone that thinks less of you because of your gender or race for that 
matter does not deserve your energy. nuf said~

Young love can last! 
I met the love of my life the summer going into my Freshman year of high school.
We didn't stay together the whole time but always knew our hearts were connected.
My senior year we were back together and haven't looked back.
We fell in love young, married young, had our family young, and in 
3.5 months will celebrate 19 sweet married years together.
Key to this is God as our foundation.
I am still and even more...madly in love with my man:)

Life is life...
It is important no matter if you are talking about life inside the womb or
a life that has seen 100 years. Life is to be cherished no mater what age.

Caring and loving your family is not determined by your ability to walk.
Yes, there are needs that need to be met but a mom or dad is not any less
of a mom or dad because they can run a mile or can't. 
Love is family.

KNOWN FACT-Dyslexic people are smarter than the average person.
They struggle with reading in the beginning and then the speed of it throughout life.
They struggle with confidence at times because of the value this world puts on performance.
Those who snicker and giggle when a dyslexic stumbles just makes them stumble more or 
fall down all together...those of you that do this...even if its not on purpose 
need to understand what you are doing. 
Actually, if more classes/teachers could or would teach the way dyslexic students learn best, 
all their students would excel.  
The style is that of physically getting involved in the work and not just sitting at the desk doing worksheets. Understanding the concept.  Many worry about the
dreaded standardized test at the end of the year and not meeting the required
teaching...I assure you it can be done.

Education is absolutely important but nothing teaches better then real experience.
"And all the people said WORD!" -hehehe
There is something special about being expanding your mind but it does not mean
you need a piece of paper to prove it.
What that little saying?

The color of your skin is different then the color of mine. 
My husband is pale white unless you count his freckles:)
Me? I'm not white at all...I'm tan. Never have had much white on me.
As soon as sun hits my skin it browns.
OH, but wait...You're thinking my race.
Well let's see...I have lots of different races in my bloodline.
How about you? 
I don't think I know a single person that can say they are a "purebred".
Does it even matter?
My blood is red...what color is yours?
Why would the color of your skin doom anything?
Answer is simple....IT DOESN'T!
What really matters are your actions (see above comment in all caps).
If it is marriage....do they love each other?  Do they treat one another with kindness.

All this is silliness to me.

It really is a matter of how you look at the human race,
with compassion or in a selfish way.

We all have our selfish times but is it a common thread in our day to day?

Do you give grace to your parents when they are grumpy because you know they have a lot on their plate these days or do you get frustrated with them, thinking why me?

I guess the big question is if you give grace and show love.

Do you TRY to put yourself in the other persons shoes?
Do you TRY to give the benefit of doubt?
Do you STAND UP for yourself and those in need?

Do you think and expect the best of those around you and do you let them know?
Do you...find a need and fill it? 
With out being asked or without getting recognized.

Life is a better place when you choose to love, be compassionate, be understanding, give grace, and also stand up for yourself as well as others.

**NOTE : Communication is vital! 



Anonymous said…
Sometimes soap boxes are needed!

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