You've got this!

I  believe "self talk" can make or break a person and as a momma of 4, 
one of my top goals are
to speak truth, life, and encouragement into my children 
no matter their age or situation. 

And for them to speak positively to themselves.

The human mind is powerful but also destructive. 

I try to teach my kids to take control of their mind, 
that they can stand up and rise up when things are tough 
and when everything seems to be going against them. 

Fighting through challenging moments and believing in themselves.

I believe this is when your character is revealed.

This is why I make time to just chat and 
why I try my hardest to reach them when success or failure comes...
because they both will come.

Who they are in Christ is what is most important!

I let them know they are loved no matter what 
(this is key!) 
but usually tell them to pull up their bootstraps 
and get back out there. 

Did you know that humbling themselves and receiving this 
is part of their character building? 

So, I hug them when they are up and experiencing success.
And encourage them to keep striving~

I also hug them if they are down to encourage them 
that this too shall pass
and whisper what I believe they need to hear to pull themselves up. 

They listen...
Believe it or not they really do:)

 and 100% have always used this brief moment 
to stay the course!

As I was on my run this morning, I was thinking about all of this. 

I was thinking about dear friends who have many times 
asked me what I do..not because they see perfection but
because they see something working and a difference.

I was thinking that this blog which I've neglected was started
as a record from me to my kids when I'm old and can't recall...
So, here goes it:

I started with the best guidebook out there...
the bible. 
This may sound cheesy to some but 21 years ago,
I believed it was my best shot in being the mother I wanted to be.  

Everything I do starts there. 

Below you'll read what I'm feeding into myself, 
my kids and to anyone that inquires~
These are not the bible verses I cling to but other words of 

My kids have heard Todd and I speak these to them their whole lives.

If you're looking to start with Bible verses (that's where I started)
The Proverbs are a great place to start.

You don't have to be an athlete to be motivated by this. 
It's for anyone with a dream.

It starts with discipline!
Be disciplined to be better today than yesterday.
It takes sacrifice.
Anyone taking you further away from your dreams has to go, 
anyone that wants to be with you on your journey 
will choose the higher and harder road.
Commit to self discipline not self destruction.
The road may be tougher but it will be more rewarding.
We are a perfect reflection of the hard and perfect work or 
lack of work 
we put in. 
If I'm weak in a certain area it won't be for long because 
I will work and learn until my weakness is turned into a strength.
You may knock me down but I will rise up and be stronger.
Lead the way, get up, rise up!
Your comfort zone is your enemy
You are here to grow... be uncomfortable
Commit to consent growth
Don't let things happen by default.
Be willing to make the hard decision 
Be willing to fail 
Don't live life saying "if only"
Try things you have not yet tried....
Show kindness and compassion, study harder, 
jump higher, wake earlier...
build experiences and knowledge
Go after what is yours
Say to yourself--- I've got fight, I've got the drive, I will do this!
The fire inside of me is stronger that the storm outside of me.
I've got my own standards
No excuses, it's on me to find a way regardless
Don't make excuses, I use your negativity as fuel.
Successful people believe in "what ever it takes."
Be real will yourself and put in the work.
The secret is simply Hard excuses.
It's not easy going alone...
but if you keep going and stay true to yourself it will be 
worth it in the end.
Stay strong, keep going!
This walk is hard but it will lead to the greatest destination, 
the toughest climbs always lead to the best views. 
The right people will show up and you will not be alone forever.
Don't give in, don't settle, you were born to lead!
Lead the pack!
It does not matter if you have to walk alone for a little while 
it is much better to walk alone in the right direction than to follow the herd walking in the wrong direction.
Stay strong be different
Your destiny is in your hands - so get out and hunt it!
It comes down to how bad do you want it,  
how hard are you willing to work to achieve what you want.
You must work on yourself - 
model the 'greats' and commit to something everyday 
that puts you in a positive state of mind.
You deserve greatness and if you work for it you WILL GET IT!
Demand success . Don't settle for anything less.
Don't talk but let your success do the talking
When challenges come up, don't say why me...
Say how can I use this, 
what can I gain from this
and how can I improve so this doesn't happen again.
Its not about what I have to work with but 
what I work with what I've got, 
it's not that I was handed my dream but 
that I had enough fight and belief to go after my dreams 
to push through and rise through and 
to tell my story.
If you don't have discipline than you can forget about success 
Be discipline not just when others are watching 
but when NO ONE is watching...
It's between you and your character
Keep going even when it hurts
When pain comes, show your character, remain discipline and stay strong! 
Keep plugging away...don't stop !
Stay faithful to your 11 when everyone stops at 10
Say "try me" instead of why me!
When you don't see the results, hang in there, 
be strong and remain discipline 
your time will come
Are you a lion or a sheep?
Sheep expect it to be given to them and the lion goes out and gets it!
It's easy to give up and hard to keep going when the chips are down.
Do you have the strength and the will to fight back?!
Everyone wants to be a beast until it comes time to do what real beasts do.
Dominate this day
Focus! Grow! Be dedicated!
You have to keep believing that one day it will be your day!
You know what's in your heart, don't let anyone take your passion. 
(I say this All. The. Time.)
Rise/ Grind/ Live your dreams!!
Don't doubt just because things get tough-
Stay hungry for success 
Chase YOUR dreams and no one else's
Stand tall - walk strong...
Never lose your passion or your compassion. 
Keep your humility, put your self in others shoes but don't live in them....

If you got all the way down then you get a GOLD STAR!

Love and encourage your loved ones.
Don't let them give up on themselves.


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