Silver Lining

When I fail, God calmly reminds me of what's important.

He gently puts His lovely hand under my chin and lifts it up.

He reminds me that the snake is only focused on himself.

The snake doesn't lift and encourage those that are struggling.
Instead it kicks you when you're down.
Which makes it easy for a slithering snake to be found amongst the noisy crowd.

So listen closely because many times the snake is in a 
beautiful disguised. 


 I let it bite me, dang it!
Those ugly rotten snakes were slithering through the crowds again.

As I much as I tried to steer clear, I was bitten.
I had had enough and pulled back but not enough I guess.

I was mad and even madder that I let it make me mad.

It takes a lot to really make me angry.

I guess I've seen enough to evaluate the lack of importance 
of the petty stuff.

But if you get me roused, you should know you've pretty much lost
all respect and "the benefit of doubt" 
because, ask anyone who really knows me...
I dish that stuff out by the freakin' truck loads. 

Probably too much for my own good.

It's so good God has taught me restraint, lol.

Because I used it...even though I didn't want to.

He reminded me to let it ride out.

He reminded me that "His Will" will be done.

He reminded me that the snake 
Doesn't Care 
Our Almighty Lord's Plans
and not to let ugliness smear my outlook.

He refocused me back to what truly has meaning.

And because my loving Father knew I needed not to feel alone,
He winked.

So, I steadied my horses and refocused.

#self-evalute #refocus

We all fall, what you do after falling is up to you!

Who's there to extend their hand and to help pick up the slack you dropped?
Truly beautiful, big picture people 

Who's there wishing you weren't there because you fell?
Selfish, small minded people

God puts sweet and salty people in our lives for a reason.

Sometimes your fall isn't about the fall and more 
for you to see the

Silver lining


possibly to add more bricks to your foundation
as you climb through this life
boulders to your shoulders to ignite your drive.

Listen to Our girl KACEY MUSGRAVES sing about this very thing:
And feel encouraged today!


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