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Live Expectantly and Embrace the Process

The air was thick on  this hot and sticky South Carolina night. There I stood along side of what seemed like 50 other women. Women ranging from barely 18yrs old, like myself, to 27'ish. Women who chose to pick up the torch and march on to serve her country. It was less than a year ago that I had decided to to serve my country and now it seemed unreal that my name was now Private. Just a few months before this day  I was in high school, a cheerleader, an athlete,  a kid and now was issued boots, BDU's, and a M16. I prepared for this mentally.  I told myself that this will be like hell on earth. It will be mean, it will hurt, it will be one of the toughest things I've  ever done. I told myself that for months. The day came when my platoon is full and ready to start training. We are screamed at, picked on, and harassed. It was all part of it. I was ready. I didn't care that I had to wear my rain jacket in the...

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