Happy Easter Everyone! The day Our Lord rose from the dead is a very joyful day indeed:)
He rose for me. He rose for you! He rose for all our nasties...as my kids would say.

We celebrated Easter yesterday. As a family, we went outside and did some cleaning up in the yard, washed cars, and colored eggs. I know my sweet love enjoyed the yard part. He always likes to get the chain saw out and trim trees After getting dirty, the kids and I came inside to get ready for the extended family to come for food and fellowship. As I finished up in the kitchen I was actually able to enjoy a TV show of my choosing...well...until everyone came and changed it:( no worries. Tv shows are material things...no reason to get upset but consideration is another. We have a standing rule at our house... If the TV is on and you want to change it then ask if anyone is watching it and if they would mind if you changed it or you wait until the show is over...this rule is sometimes over turned by dad since he is gone all day but he a lot of times will see the kids are into a show so will just go into his room to watch whatever he was wanting to watch:) It's called consideration and it is something I have to keep track of with the kids. I find my self saying things like "common courtesy" or "consideration" a lot because I want my kids to grow up having that. Too many kids or people in general these days don't have it. hummmmm....Didn't think I was going to insert a life lesson in the middle of my blog:) Anyways, We had delicious food, fun with finding eggs (still finding them), and then the the new tradition pinata! Instead of Easter baskets for the kids my Sweet Love's mother fills a pinata with fun things and the kids get any frustration they might have out on that:) After the pinata we came inside for my Sweet Love's grandma to hand out her Easter baskets to the kids. She always gets them started for summer with the cutest bathing suites. She always does so good...She's a better shopper than I;) whew....after All that fun we open up the desserts! We had pineapple upside down cake, cheese cake, ice cream pie, and lemon pound cake. It all looked soooo good so I thought....a tiny piece from all would be fine...tiny...like not even a 1/2 piece. Still when you put 4- 1/2 or a little less than 1/2 pieces on your plate it becomes a lot of of dessert. Did I eat it all? With me being the health person :) and all I need to give you some advise...EAT SOME DESSERT ONCE AN AWHILE:) OK....Now I felt like man I probably shouldn't have eaten all of it but I enjoyed it and I don't normally do that...So, yep! I ate it all and it was good. Where am I going first thing this morning...to the gym:)
So, since I'm going to the gym I have to end this soon. My word of wisdom today would be: consideration. If you are a child of mine and reading this please don't forget it.
My phrase today would be: It's ok to have your dessert as long as your willing to work for it!

Unwind time...This weekend we finished the flooring in the house:) One big hurdle done. The trim around most doors are up and I'm waiting on the granite guy to lay the granite this week. I abused my fingers when installing the flooring...they are bruised, mashed, and sore:(
But I can walk into the house and walk on flooring throughout:) I need to fill nail holes and sand dries putty so I can paint some trim. So close to being done but this weekend I won't be of help. I will be with my daughter doing another type of God work:)
So, my hubby I guess is on his own. A question asked to me was....Would you do this again if you had to do it all over? My answer: I try to rest in the knowledge that I'm under Gods will and doing Gods purpose. I don't know why God has us doing the things we do and for what reasons. Do I wish I didn't have to do this...Yes. Would I choose another road...No...because I feel that this road is God's road and the other road would not have been. I cannot live my life looking back and wishing. I can only look forward at the path I'm on and which ones to take next. Hoping that God will be guiding each step of the way and that I will have learned something along the way. I believe through all things God is ALWAYS stretching us to grow and learn...so in this situation....He is stretching ALL involved...My prayer is that we all look to God for strength, guidance and grace.
When you live your life in God's hands it much easier to let the stresses of this world release and let your self unwind....


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