The great Thanksgiving day has come and gone.  My days are full and happy!  What I life I get to live:)
I struggle with the rest of the world.  My struggles may be different but we all have them.  I believe it is in the way you handle them that make

Here's something I tell my kids often.  Everyday you have a choice on how your day will be.  No matter what happens or what others might do...You have a choice on how you will receive it and handle it.  If you wake up thinking it will be a bad day then you will be looking for the bad day to come your way and you will probably find it.  What if you turn the table and look for the good?  Do you think you'll find any?  Of course you will!  WE as free humans have a choice on how we choose to react to everything.  I can choose to honk my horn and yell at a car that cuts in front of me during rush hour....did that make ME feel better?  NO, it just gets my blood pumpin' and shows my kids that it's ok to "lose control" if someone does something bad.  I don't think this is the right frame of mind. If children responded in the same calm way when they feel like they have been wronged then  they would be more likely to show respect to their parents and show love to those who might just need a little extra.  A book I read that explained this greatly is called Fish.  I think that's the name.  My husband was given it from work.  It is geared to leadership.  It was an easy read but very good!  I wish I could find it. After reading it I made 2 big had a BIG smile on it and all around it had words that were positive and what that type of thinking leads to and the other was just the opposite.  It was a great visual for the kids when they would start to have a bad day or get upset.  I would just tell them that they had a choice no matter what their sibling has done...would they react positively or negatively?

SO, why do I go into this on this Thanksgiving type post?  B/c I'm Thankful!  I could and do, at times, sit a whine about all I have to do...and my frustrations.  It's ok to vent:)  but when it comes down to it...and I look at my life I think to myself....
"It's a Wonderful Life!"

LOVE - LAUGH - LIVE~ spread joy!

Unwinding is easy here.  So many times we are uptight b/c we are choosing to react that way.  Choose today to let things go and know that God really IS in control!

CHRISTmas is in the air and Joy is everywhere:)  Do fun things this season!  Have a party and have your guest bring food too...just enjoy!


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