Thursday throw down :)

It's Thursday.  It's time to wrap my entire week up and get ready for the big weekend.
Thursday usually includes us finishing up loose ends with our school work, taking tests, and making sure we have
everything we need for Co-op the next morning.  
BUT ~ What happens....
When momma doesn't feel well?
This makes wrapping up a loose week hard.  
I have AWESOME kids that were super concerned for me yesterday as I was really in a lot of pain.
They tried their hardest to do any and all things possible to ease my work load.
End result though is that many things didn't get done and now I'm behind on more than a few things.
I am not one that stresses too much over it so I won't.  But still:)
The younger kids are gathering twigs to start the fire in the house and on the patio during the BIG Teen Christmas Party tomorrow night and and the oldest is cleaning their bathroom:) (It's a dirty job but someone has to do it!) .  The other one isn't feeling great so she just finished a nice bath and will get going on whatever is asked of her, I'm sure. They have some school work to do but will have to do it later tonight.  December is always a lighter school month than many.  Sometimes I wonder if I should just take the entire month off.  Sounds like a waste to we modify:)  The story of my life....Modify!
My sweet husband showed his true colors as he was super concerned about me yesterday!  Makes me feel loved when so many people care for your well being.  Now I know where my kids learned how to take care of their mother so well:)
Not much time to to go one or tell stories...even though I'd love to:)  
Now I must grade Lab reports, prepare to teach Biology tomorrow, string Christmas lights/garland, clean house, teach reading, listen to Science reports, Christmas shop for "winners" in my science class, and more!  
Today I'm calling it the Thrusday throw down! 
Unwind-hahahah this is funny to say after everything I just stated:)  But I would say as I always do...relax.
 Let little things stay little:)  AND


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