Break = Refocus

My 2 week break is winding down.  The kids and I worked a little more in this break than I expect we will for our other breaks.  Things needed to be done.  I reminded them yesterday that if we keep up on our stuff then we can have a "true" break next time b/c we won't have too much to do.  I've tried to make it fun and low stress.  Today I think I might take them to Laser Legend. They've wanted to go here for a while.  My plans to go to Wimberly, TX and then the river for the day went out the window b/c we've had SO much rain! That was another thing that messed us up a bit...the rain.  It has rained and rained.  The kids have gotten to play in the rain a lot:)  This is good b/c here in TX it doesn't rain very much and when it does I usually let them close the books and go play in it.  I believe they've had their fill now and if it rains during school time again they can be like all the other school kids during school and watch from the window.
A couple days ago I took the kids out for lunch and then to the Witte Museum.  They had a blast. Funny thing was that Kainah's TX history class was their too and so they had many friends to pick and choose from.  I was reminded of how much the kids love that place.  It is free on Tuesday afternoons, this is when I go:)  I even got to takes some pictures.  We didn't get to the park, like I'd hoped for....It started to rain anyways and the park was for pictures.
All in all, we had a nice relaxing break. I'm very much enjoying the 8 on and 2 off school schedule.  It gives everyone an idea and a goal.  For me I see a light at the end of a grading period.  A time to relax and have a little extra fun!  A time to refocus.
Refocus~That is the word that I could label this first 2 week break.


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