Thrown in the thick of it

Sometimes we do are best work when we don't think about "how" we're going to do it.
To help a couple friends out at church I'm now a choreographer helper, and room manager:)  So, I go to my first duty and talk to the dance teacher.  hummm... She quickly...very quickly walks through the first motions to a song that I'm suppose to help teach.  Hummm...then nice lady took me to another room and went through it once more.  So, now I have gone through it twice:) great!  My only problem is that I don't know the song! My new quest is to get a CD so I can at least know the songs before learing the motions.  I'm thinking that might help.  What do ya think?  Well, after my very quick lesson I moved to my next duty.  I was glad to get to my room early so I could look at what I had to work with.  The Director, my friend, had hoped to be up there with me to "show me the ropes" but had to help in another class and figured I could handle it.  Hummm....Funny that I had so many people coming to me asking questions.  We survived.
I actually enjoyed it.  It was crazy at times but I enjoyed helping and showing people who had never helped in a kids small Bible group before.  I was only sad about one thing.  One of my old boys from my last year's group was back and was disappointed that I wasn't teaching:( He asked me if I'd teach next semester and I said maybe but I still wanted to see him here every week and here all his great stories:(  That was a bummer.  I hope I put him in a good group.  He's a good kid.  At the end of the night I felt like I was useful! That's a big deal...It made me smile.


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