The World of Sports in Texas
Most people who live outside of Texas just can't understand 100%
what Texas sports is about.
I've heard that Florida and California are very similar to Tx.
I lived in Indiana most my life and was in all kinds of athletics.
I loved and still love sports.
Competitive sports and rec sports.
It's different here in Texas.
The mind set is different.
I love it!
There's nothing wrong with sports in other states
If you have an extremely talented athlete....
Well, Texas is the place to be.
You'll have to deal with drama (that's universal),
You'll have to deal with politics (again universal),
You'll have to deal with coaches playing athletes that shouldn't be playing
And benching players that should take their place,
You have to deal with parents who baby their athlete,
You deal with parents that are entirely to rough with their athlete and
try to live out their own dreams through that kid of theirs,
You know what?
You'll find these negative things here in Texas BUT
You'll also find
You'll find athletes that rise above the drama and prove them self everyday.
You'll find strong minded athletes that have had to manage
politics (because they have parents that let them prove themselves and not try to use "parental pursuit" /coaching issues/ over zealous parents....
And when you find these'll see a champion.
You'll see that the "proof is truly in the pudding".
You find parents that sit back and marvel at that young adult.
No doubt that those parents have gone through their own frustrations
with watching their athlete go through those hard knocks but parents that
Continue to help their athlete to focus on the goal...
Whatever that goal is.
It's not always to get that college scholarship.
It's always to raise responsible adults that will do good in their community.
To be a person that people can count on.
That will do their job (what ever that job is) at their highest ability.
I'm one of those mommas.
I have very talented athletes.
As a momma, I know that sounds predictable to say.
But truly I do.
I've seen them rise above so much ugliness and I've seen them
get consumed by it.
We've had many, many, many...did I say many...conversations
about the "reality" of the ugliness in this world and about
their goals.
This has been
For me as a Athlete's momma.
For me as a Athlete's momma.
Focus, refocusing, and refocusing to that goal.
My athletes are surrounded most of the time with other
Athletes that don't have the same dream as they do.
So, naturally they have to stay focused on the main goal or they
Can get derailed.