Do you know who she is?
Do you know where to find her?
She is so precious. She is so dear.
We all have our days when life gets us down. We have days when we feel like
we think we can't take one more more more more bad report.
We all do.
We all have had those days when we had great hopes of something wonderful
and then things don't turn out like they should and we want to cry, pout, do something because
let's face just isn't right.
Yep, those days come but they also go.
Something I told my daughter that had one of those days recently is this.
Try to turn your eyes forward...instead of inward.
Satan loves to get us to look at me, me, me, me.
It doesn't mean you aren't special but it keeps us from being self absorbed.
Here's a weak example:
"So and so didn't tell me happy birthday, except on Facebook, that made me sad."
ME: "Well, so and so had a bad day and so and so did tell you happy birthday yesterday."
Thinking of others and what's going on inside before you get all dramatic and lose your
joy is wiser in the end.
Isn't that what the enemy wants?
To steal our Joy and our wisdom!
As I stated in the beginning of blogging, I'm not perfect. I lose my way at times
Ok, many times:)
But I feel like the Lord has blessed me with a sensitive heart to these types of issues.
ok...well, here we go again, I've run out of time and am being called to do something else.
Today, on my way to drop off a couple kids at school, I past by a wreck.
My heart sank as I saw the destroyed truck and man holding a teen aged girl with blood on her
face and crying. I'm still thinking and wondering about the girl and how she is.
Something else is bugging me.
The kids that were in my car....showed no compassion are even seem to notice the girl.
One thought the demolished truck was cool and the other told a story of another wreck.
I was shocked.
One said I'm interested in who's fault it was. I said I'm concerned about the girl.
She was crying. She had blood on her face.
I was still surprised that the kids seems unmoved as they went on their way to school.
I guess it bugs me because as a family we always stop what we're doing a pray
for the people involved.
Sorry I had to get that off my chest:)
Now for your unwind.....
Find little bits of joy in everyday life. A smile, a laugh, and, and a cozy warm bed.
they don't have to be huge things...Life is made up of small steps, not one giant step. So don't look for the one big thing to make you happy. the perfect Thanksgiving, the perfect Christmas tree....Look for the goofies....then you'll be happy:)