He Knows My Name
He knows my name~
He know my every thought~
He sees each tear that falls and He hears me when I call...
He hears me when I call.
Lord you hear me when---------
I call.
I love that song.
I love that promise.
The Lord, has been singing that to me this morning.
"He knows my name...." ---I don't have to worry about what others think of me.
"He knows my every thought..."---I don't have to explain anything to Him.
"He sees each tear that falls..."---even behind closed doors...even under the covers.
"And He hears me when I call..."---He is here for me even though I am unworthy.
"He hears me..." ---Because He Loves me.
"He hears me..."---Someone hears just what I'm trying to say.
Some days I want to sit people down and explain that to me
it's never usually about one thing but mostly about the heart.
Most days though...I let things be. I try to make my own choices and live out my life.
I do sit my kids down every chance I get and explain these reasons so they understand...
so they will look further into the heart of a situation.
I've had to stay quiet a long time.
When I was a child I tried to stay quiet to stay out of trouble.
No matter if I was being blamed for something I did or didn't do.
I tried to just
Now is a bit different and yet I feel like I still sit and stay quiet.
Sometimes it's because those of whom I want to explain
would not be able to comprehend.
Or maybe that once I get to a point that I need to make a drastic
measure...that it is a lot of little things...a lot of big things and probably
something dealing with the heart and or my family.
We've had more then our normal share of these issues lately.
We've had more then our normal share of these issues lately.
So, again I say...I've had to keep quiet.
Maybe to keep peace....maybe to choose my battle but quiet I stay.
Maybe just a whisper.
The Lord knows when I need I hug.
I needed a hug today.
That song on this morning was like a big ol' hug from my Heavenly Daddy!
He knows your name....He knows your every thought....He sees each tear that falls....
and He hears you when you call...The Lord hears you when you call.
Rest assure in His goodness!
Click here to listen:) http://youtu.be/CC8puwexBBo
Ok I love casting crowns (band)
And I think this song is fitting too:)
my song to Jesus!