Green Pools
I have had an in-ground pool for almost 13 years.
I've had old pools and brand new pools.
I've always had concrete or concrete "type" pools.
I've had a pool in the north and pools in the south and the
main thing is how to keep from having a
green pool.
Let me say, there are many other things you have to think about...
but on average through the years this is your chief concern.
I have come across a product that have always helped me...until
3 weeks ago:(
This product is called BlackOut.
It is a GREAT product and I will use it again.
It is used to bring up the chlorine levels quick and high.
It kills everything but you can't swim for a little while because
the chlorine is too high for the swimmers.
For me, though, if my water is not good...I want my water back quick.
My swimmers can wait!
Recently, my chlorinator ran out of chlorine and I didn't realize and my water
started to turn cloudy and a little green.
This is usually not a problem because Blackout is always there to save me.
Not this time.
3 containers in 3 weeks and my water is unchanged.
What I know is that I have very small free floating particles in my water
that needs to be weighed down.
So, to the pool supply store I go to have a chat.
I picked up "Pool First Aid".
This is supposed to do just what I need.
It even is suppose to clean up oil spills if you have had those or help de-clog
your filter if you have a clog in your filter.
I put the whole thing in:)
I also pust a half a container of blackout in the skimmers to circulate.
My hope is this morning to have a huge mess to clean up at the bottom
of my pool.
you see I haven't been able to really see the bottom of my deep end for a
couple this would be great to see the bottom and have to vacuum it.
This would be the first time in about 5 years that my water has stumped me.
The first time since finding Blackout.
I'll let you know what I find once the sun rises....
It took a lot of hard work BUT it is FINALLY back to normal. I'm still not 100% sure on what happened. I know my chlorinator had run out of chlorine but my level were sky high. I vacuumed the pool almost everyday and backwashed it almost as often at least every other day.
I put a bunch of clarifier in it as well...after the "first aid" stuff. I had to stop my auto vacuum to let the stuff settle and then manually vacuum it. Now everything is running like normal which makes me happy because I'm use to my pool taking care of itself:)
There's my pool update!