Not allot of time to post today. Especially since it's mid-day. I have no idea what I'm thinking trying to write now:) But I'll try b/c I enjoy it.
Yesterday I was so blessed to talk to my sweet friend from far away for a very long time. I had declared a no school day to bless my dear love and clean this home of ours. Since I did I was able to clean a talk...women we are such multi tasker's:) I've missed my dear friend terribly so it has lifted a spirit in me that has been down a bit.
Anyways, the kids and I got SO much done! I love a clean house don't you? Things just feel complete. It can't always be that way but boy it feels good when it is and makes you want to keep it that way. Funny thing...This morning my sweet love hit the snooze a little too long and we woke up with only like 5 minutes to leave. Who do you think was smiling? I had made his lunch the night before (chi-ching). His shirts were ironed and waiting in the closet...something that used to be done but hasn't in a while (chi-ching). So, my tired bones got up and put his lunch in his bag...took the pup out and kissed my love good bye. really is worth it if you can do it.
My sweet love came home last night in better spirits. I hope he really was and not trying to "be" in better spirits for me. I had told him I was a little worried about his exhaustion. He told me not to worry. Hello....Mr. Man. we are one...united by God:) worry maybe not...concern is a better word. God tells us not to worry so I try not to...but I can have concern for a loved one. I think he needs some fun! There are very few people that we would say are our favorite. Probably even fewer that would say we are theirs, lol. I'm so excited b/c we've finally decided to go away on an adult vacation to...somewhere with one of these couples! I only wish it were sooner than later. I wish we could go before summer instead of after summer. This vacation will be so much fun..I know. I'm laughing just thinking about the possibilities. We've gone a family vacation years ago with this family and have laughed so hard that we've cried for so many years later. Why we've waited so long to plan something again is ridiculous. Life just gets in the way....Bad excuse.
The kids want to do one together but I think the parents need to serious getaway.
So, I'm only frustrated about one thing today. Not really frustrated....I am trying to be patient with my gym to open but am getting impatient. I get to go work out on Monday! The grand opening of the new gym is Sunday. It'll be almost 3 weeks since quiting my boot camp lady. I am so excited about getting the big girls into the gym and into shape! I will be blogging allot I'm sure about working out and my wonderfully sore body:)
*Side note: I am not looking bad...but my friend...well let just say I will be vacationing on a beach somewhere with a beauty queen! Seriously, she is a barbie on the outside and oh so beautiful on the inside. So...I have much work to do:) pressure or anything:)
So, my unwind? Well of course you can imagine came in preparation:). Also, I posted a blurp of some of my blog on face book yesterday and you know what....It spoke to someone. Someone needed that. So I felt like it was from God. I love that. I love being used by God.
Well, on that note...I see I need to get going. We have speed class, Choir, and Bible Study. I must leave soon and won't return until late tonight. It's all good b/c it's all in Jesus name.
Have a blessed day all! And don't forget to unwind...
Yesterday I was so blessed to talk to my sweet friend from far away for a very long time. I had declared a no school day to bless my dear love and clean this home of ours. Since I did I was able to clean a talk...women we are such multi tasker's:) I've missed my dear friend terribly so it has lifted a spirit in me that has been down a bit.
Anyways, the kids and I got SO much done! I love a clean house don't you? Things just feel complete. It can't always be that way but boy it feels good when it is and makes you want to keep it that way. Funny thing...This morning my sweet love hit the snooze a little too long and we woke up with only like 5 minutes to leave. Who do you think was smiling? I had made his lunch the night before (chi-ching). His shirts were ironed and waiting in the closet...something that used to be done but hasn't in a while (chi-ching). So, my tired bones got up and put his lunch in his bag...took the pup out and kissed my love good bye. really is worth it if you can do it.
My sweet love came home last night in better spirits. I hope he really was and not trying to "be" in better spirits for me. I had told him I was a little worried about his exhaustion. He told me not to worry. Hello....Mr. Man. we are one...united by God:) worry maybe not...concern is a better word. God tells us not to worry so I try not to...but I can have concern for a loved one. I think he needs some fun! There are very few people that we would say are our favorite. Probably even fewer that would say we are theirs, lol. I'm so excited b/c we've finally decided to go away on an adult vacation to...somewhere with one of these couples! I only wish it were sooner than later. I wish we could go before summer instead of after summer. This vacation will be so much fun..I know. I'm laughing just thinking about the possibilities. We've gone a family vacation years ago with this family and have laughed so hard that we've cried for so many years later. Why we've waited so long to plan something again is ridiculous. Life just gets in the way....Bad excuse.
The kids want to do one together but I think the parents need to serious getaway.
So, I'm only frustrated about one thing today. Not really frustrated....I am trying to be patient with my gym to open but am getting impatient. I get to go work out on Monday! The grand opening of the new gym is Sunday. It'll be almost 3 weeks since quiting my boot camp lady. I am so excited about getting the big girls into the gym and into shape! I will be blogging allot I'm sure about working out and my wonderfully sore body:)
*Side note: I am not looking bad...but my friend...well let just say I will be vacationing on a beach somewhere with a beauty queen! Seriously, she is a barbie on the outside and oh so beautiful on the inside. So...I have much work to do:) pressure or anything:)
So, my unwind? Well of course you can imagine came in preparation:). Also, I posted a blurp of some of my blog on face book yesterday and you know what....It spoke to someone. Someone needed that. So I felt like it was from God. I love that. I love being used by God.
Well, on that note...I see I need to get going. We have speed class, Choir, and Bible Study. I must leave soon and won't return until late tonight. It's all good b/c it's all in Jesus name.
Have a blessed day all! And don't forget to unwind...