Enjoy the day and be excited for tomorrow

I am so excited for next school year that I can hardly
wait to start.
I'm known to start something mid year because it is "just that awesome"
I will contain and prepare which I believe will make things EVEN 
more magnificent!
And since we only have about 10 more weeks to completion and fewer
to complete most...subjects.

I have some tweaking to do for the year.
Projects-Fairs-Field Trips!
Yes, indeed I have some work and research to do.
I have some seriously awesome ideas floating around my head with parenting
and teaching money (kind of sorta) mixed with responsibility and kindness.

I need to schedule time for my daughter/s to work at the voting polls get them
their citizenship time to see the process and experience the "hands on" process.
I need to remember all the volunteer hours and document them for my daughters transcripts...
As they build into a nice folder:)
On top of the FUN stuff I am reminding my self that SAT's and ACT's are
here and we have a nervous Nelly test taker.
Unfortunately, we have to live by the "almighty" test.
So, prayer...and prep we will go:)

I have soooo much that I have going on in this crazy brain of mine.
It's a wonder I can get things done:)

The start of this past year was hard for my kids.
I'll admit...my attention and my efforts were focused on something else.
We got school complete but not in the fashion in which I like or they are use to.
SO~ Momma needs to make up for that!
We will finish this year off properly.
We will learn some things over the summer that we don't have time
to learn throughout the year...in a fun exciting way.
(I'm sneaky that way)
We will start school in bits early this this year...not everyday but early so that
we have a running start and be able to take more breaks or more fields trips!
We will have more fun this coming year.

Once I organize my thoughts on the parenting and money stuff I'll try to
post.  Their swimming in my head.
Here's a nibble:

The thing is...I don't believe I should pay my kids to do the things the SHOULD do.
Explanation: Make bed, clean room, do family routine chores.
oops, sorry did I say that too loud:)

Problem with my thought is that how in the world are these precious angels
of ours going to learn to manage money if they don't earn money
and how are they going to earn money if we don't give them an allowance?

Should we be Daddy or Mommy "Big Bucks" when ever they want something?
Go to a movie, get some candy, whatever...
So we must come up with a plan!

That's what I'm doing.

I need to come up with a plan that has:
*REAL money for them to see and earn.
*Coupons for them to redeem - Coupons could be given for different things
~"movie ticket" so that they can save those up
and redeem them when they need to.
If they run out they need to use their own
money.  If no money then no show.
This is mainly for an older child...
since the movie ticket can cost $5 - $8 it won't be some easy thing...
could possibly add a bunch of small things
to get a movie ticket. (still thinking)
~Free Slushy, Lunch with mom ect~
~Sick day-hehe...this has no "real money value"
but could be put into a jar for
possible perks.

There's a lot more in this silly think tank I call a brain but I must get going for now.


I must end with a little something...
Since Hannah has gotten her license I have been able to spend a little more
time at home with Rebekah alone.
I have so enjoyed this:)
Spring has turned the weather so beautifully and we are riding bike once
and awhile around the block.
I is nice to see everyone out enjoying the fresh Spring air.
To talk to the neighbors but most importantly to spend this time with my youngest!



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