Things Unfold

It's fun to watch things unfold.

New friendships build to great friendships.
An interest grows to a little sparkle and then a spark.
What was new and foreign becomes familiar and more natural.

A football is thrown with better form, friends hug and giggle more easily, and
a spark begins to wonder and dream.

None of these can be done quickly because unfolding precious things,
things of importance takes time and must be done with care and precision.

I know of those who unfold friendships unyieldingly only to throw 
them away when the next person comes along.    

I know of those who just play a sport without caring to listen to the "how"...
Without caring to learn the proper form because, at first, they can
throw good and play good...but down the road they hurt them self or
aren't able to progress because the form is just not there.

I know of those who become interested at any cutie that they see or 
that will look their way. 
 They seem to lose themselves in these people.
Only to find interest in another or get heart broken.

Things that matter take time and need to be thought through.
It doesn't mean you will never have a broken heart or 
a broken friendship if you do this.  
It doesn't mean that you won't get hurt or that you will be the best at your sport. 
It means that you care what happens to you and the people you put in your life.

Take time to seek the heart.  
Take time to do things the right way.

If it's a friendship.  Be the friend they need and the friend you would want.

If it's a sport. Learn all you can on how to do it right and safe.

If it's a "spark".  Learn about the person and what they stand for.
What they live for and if they stand when tested or fade into the background.
Are they one that jumps from spark to spark or do they invest 
into what God might be preparing?  

In all things rely on your Father to guide you.
Sometimes He gives us a time of dryness in our social life.
A time when we have little to no friends.  
This time can be hard.

It is a time of growing. See it as a blessing.

When your in this time and you see "everyone else" with a bunch of friends...
Worry not on your own understanding....but in all things know that Jesus has a purpose.
When you see that so many of your friends have been asked out, or 
at least spoken to fondly (more than friends) and you...beautiful and sweet have
never been...worry not.  For God knows you won't blink at the silliness that
goes on and He knows you want a pure heart for your true love.
Because saving yourself is more than physical to you...
you desire to save your heart...not have pieces taken away.

Watching things unfold is fun to me.
A mind that has begun to expand.
A skill fine tuned.
A head strong young man become a great leader.
A guarded heart, bubbling with the possibility that maybe....

Sometimes when I sit back and watch the stories unfold they are not so pretty.
When I sit back and watch those I'm close to I smile.
I smile at their imperfections which bring them closer to God.
Mostly, I smile at their HEART. 
Whether they always do it right or not ....they are good people.
I can unwind today in the fact that Goodness floods over them.
Thank you Lord! 


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