Williams update!

Well, I haven't gotten to my FEB. run down like promised...
I know I know...IT's MARCH BUT not too far into March:)

The beginning was consumed with sweet sixteen planning and
getting a new license.
This was a biggie and everything went great.
I have already posted about this and pics so I saw no need to repeat.
Feb. has also brought about track in FULL swing.
Oh, beloved Track!
The kids adore the friends and the time working out during this season.
Even amongst the injuries:\
They are doing quite well I might add:)  
Should you expect any less from a Williams:)?
Feb. Also brought about Spring football and cheer!
A new season and a new team.
Things are going great:)

Including this week we have 12 weeks more of school!

Some momma things...
My heart sees lots of change happening in My youngest.
In her academics and in her awareness to everything.
Her spirit, her mind, her body....She is moving out of one stage of life and 
blossoming into another beautiful new stage.  
She is finding new interests trying them out (below).  
She has a beautiful soul.  It's fun to watch her grow.

This is me:) 
My very imperfect hands type away imperfect words that have errors
and sometimes run on...but always have heart <3
Sure wish I had pretty manicured nails but they would just get in the 
way for me to get my job done the way I know how to get it done.
My most precious part of this picture is sitting on my left hand.

Look at those BIG eyes! She has SO much to offer.
She is learning to focus on the positive in life.
I've been talking to the kids that when we have accepted Christ in our hearts
we Honor Him by controlling our emotions. That it's easy to control when you're 
comfortable but when you're not...when things don't go your way is when the test of
"honoring God" comes out.
For years I've told my kids that it is up to them.
They can let a situation control them and their happiness OR
they can choose to be happy..BE joyful through whatever comes their way.

 Kainah's is choosing to be Joyful! 
She knows you can't control others but you can control how you are.
She's focusing her eyes up to God:)

 I really like this picture!
Hannah has been stretched this semester.
Her mind has broadened into such an intellectual thinker:)
Spiritually she has grown leaps and bounds...She is maturing more and more
and I am amazed by the deep spiritual being she is.
How I love she is so Spiritual and yet So youthful!
How this happens is God and Prayer:) 

Where is that boy?

Is is so busy going here and there that it was hard to find a picture...until
I saw that he was playing in the photo booth part of the computer:)

Growing? Yes...EATING? YES!
He's a good kid.
He's working through the transition of child and young man.
He is goofy and just like his dad...I adore him. He's been working hard and was invited 
to go to a special football camp.  What an honor!  
As momma, I worry about double sports (track and Football).
Especially those legs!
BUT we take care of them and make sure 
they get rest. 

There you have it...MY FEB. UPDATE!


Anonymous said…
It is good to know I am not the only one wondering "where is that boy child of mine!" I can't keep up with mine for my life. I love your pictures. Everyone is already getting so grown up looking.
Sherie said…

I feel like that is my life long theme for him:)
Growing too fast~
I'm on a mission on posting a monthly update with pics:) for a whole year.

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