Make it Right
"Everyone makes mistake....
the key to that is how you make them RIGHT!"
I heard this on a movie trailer the other day.
Obviously, it stuck with me.
How true it really is, you know.
My daughter recently had a college research paper due.
She can bust papers out in no time - so she put it off a bit.
When she went to do it she read closer the assignment and saw that the due date was
not what she originally thought!
She, now, had 2 days!
Can you say stressed?
I reminded her that she was going to stay calm and loving towards
the other people in house even though she is stressed.
That she was going to honor God with controlling her emotions.
You see, my sweet angel gets tense under pressure at times.
Her desire to succeed is strong:)
After she got most of her paper done and we were looking through it I
spoke to her about the time crunch and maybe listening to Old Mom to work
on the assignment earlier might have been better.
She reminded me of my quote above about mistakes....Stinker!
Of course, I said yes...but for further reference..."Momma knows":)
(Momma knows is a saying we say here at the house a lot)
Lucky for her, God has blessed her with writing skills!
She worked all day and finished it. Now it only needs what we call..
"a clean up".
Basically, check for mechanical errors.
She made right her mistake with getting her work completed and honoring God
by controlling her stressed emotions.
UCK---Such a dirty thing~
We all are sinners...we all fall short...BUT how do you
manage (if you will) your sin.
Do you excuse it?
Do you ignore it and pretend it isn't there?
Do you say "it happened" but I won't do it again...until again it happens OR
just ignore the people in the wake of your sin and never address
the hurt you caused, hoping that if you brush it under the rug
it will eventually get better?
And then wonder why can't they just get over it!?
A weird question...
when you're not the one hurt and have unresolved issues.
I know many that think that if they just give a little time and space
that if they have done something that has hurt someone that this should be enough
to build the relationship together.
Sadly, for these people, it is not.
There are time when this works but never fully.
My heart breaks for those who love these people but
have been hurt over and over and yet never have ask for forgiveness.
The realization of how things are or needs to be to keep this heart protected is
even if the outward appearance doesn't show.
Sometimes it's a neighbor or a co-worker.
Other times it's a great friendship or sadly even a family member.
Sometimes the frustration and hurt can be too much.
Sometimes all you can do is pray.
Do you admit you sin?
Lay it out there and humble yourself?
Do you at least try to renew and mend the hurt you may have caused?
You know, we are all sinners!
This does NOT give us a free card to sin OR an excuse when we sin.
We all know how it feels when we sin...when we "fall short".
How do should we make it right?
Matt 5:30 tells us that if our right hand is sinning we should...
CUT IT OFF! ummm.....WOW!
He tells us that it's better to cut it off then go to hell with it.
oh...well, yes...much better...Take my arm please if you need:)
God doesn't want us sinning.
His written Holy word is given to us as a guide to live our lives!
ME - Fall short?
YES! but restored and TALL in JESUS NAME:)
My Deliverer - Counselor -
Alpha and Omega - The Beginning and END
The everlasting KING - Jehovah
The Life - The Light
Majesty - Maker - Messenger - MIGHTY-
Prince of Peace - My Rock -
My Redeemer - My Refuge - My Shield
My Strong Tower
Honestly, I try to do my best but know I fall so short.
I try to make right my mistakes. Sometimes I do feel like I need to guard my heart.
Sometimes I see others guarding theirs and I understand.
I sit and wonder why all the silliness.
Why the need to babble? Why the need to justify yourself all the time?
Why do people get so offended so easily?
Let go -
Humble yourself to the Lord.
Even if you have to guard yourself a bit...let the anger go because the only
person it's hurting is
Have you hurt someone recently or in the past that you need to
humble yourself and ask for forgiveness? All you can do is try, right?
It's much better to live right with God and "make things right"
then not.
You will find peace and be able to "unwind":)
Rest in God's amazing peace!