Christmas Eve...what we did:)

Christmas was AWESOME!

Really and truly~

On Christmas Eve we went to my Dad and Paula's 
for a delightful Christmas brunch.  The kids got to open their gifts from
Grandpa and Grandma Paula,  and also Auntie Deb.
They got gift cards and GOLD coins...Lip gloss and finger nail polish
and a few more things here and there.
Before we left Paula brought out a tray of candles and asked if
we could go around and light a candle.
As we lit the candle we were to say what we were thankful for from this past year,
what we hope to come in the new year, and what we would like prayer for.
I thought this was really neat!

We left their house and drove to church.

The Christmas eve service is FULL of worship and rightly so!
It filled my heart.
I kept thinking how awesome of a birthday celebration 
Jesus has each year around the world.

We made our way home where I had meatball cooking all day in the crockpot, yum!
I'm so glad I did that~
We all got in our PJ's, started a fire, ate a delicious dinner and then the kids
got to open the gifts they got for each other. 
 This is the Christmas eve tradition. 
Every year the kids draw names to buy a gift for. 
Before they open the gift they say what they love about that sibling.

After dinner and presents...we usually would watch a Christmas movie
BUT since our family is addicted to the
Friday Night Light movie series I bought Todd for his birthday~
We ended up watching that and then a Christmas movie:)
It was quite late when we all went to bed.  
My youngest is 8 and is fully aware....
 and even though we don't "push" the Santa thing..
We do play along with it.  
So, the kids set up cookies and milk for Santa.
Oh yeah....One more thing my kids ALWAYS do on Christmas eve...
They always sleep together.  First, they decided who's bedroom they will sleep in.
Then, they set up the room.
I will post a picture of the room this year soon.

But for now I must go.
I need to get boxes down from the attic....
Christmas decorations are down and ready to be put up.



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