I'm a hugger.
I think they feel warm, comforting, friendly, and all around good.
I remember when I was newly married...a new christian and had gotten in
an argument with my sweet love (smoothing those bumps out).
I felt so lonely.
I sat on the floor with my back against the wall and my hands on
my very young face and I cried.
I cried to my Father in Heaven.
I told Him I was sad...
I told Him I just needed someone to hug me and hold me and tell me that
"It's going to be ok"
And then I felt it.
I can't explain it...but I know it was my Father. He was holding me, Letting me know
He was there...He is always there...And everything will be just fine.
I trusted Him..almost 17years later I'm happier than I've ever imagined.
Hugs come in different forms.
I got a hug yesterday from my friend in Alaska.
She doesn't even know how her
still today bring tears to my eyes just thinking about them.
Words she has said about me and school.
About me and my kids...
Because she see's
That's what true friends do.
No matter the fact that we've have been busy and now we
have finally stopped to talk...No matter if we are 2 miles or 2000 miles.
true friends are true and true...and hard to find.
My friend in Africa is the same She is a busy lady with 5 kids, a missionary, homeschools,
and everything in between.
We know each others heart. So, when she talks about things she is struggling with
and she can understand the same stuff we are going through...
Well, it's like a big ol' warm hug...
because we don't have to go into detail because they
know our heart and we know theirs.
My friend that just moved to Chicago, who I also love dearly...sent me
a text about trying to look for a cruise for us couples to
go on...or maybe it was the whole family (I better ask her about that, lol).
When I saw that text I smiled because this lady is so so dear to my heart.
The fact that she is trying to plan a trip so the couples or families:)
to get together makes me smile and feels like a big warm
You see, hugs can come in all shapes and sizes:)
I personally believe if you do a double whammy it works best.
What's a double whammy, you ask?
Positive and encouraging words
a nice BIG WARM HUG!
If you are tense and having a hard time's my challenge.
Breathe slowly, speak clearly, and sweetly~
GO tell someone something they did/do that is nice
(add nothing negative),
THEN...give them a hug. I bet you it might help your "tense' situation.
***Sooo, hugs can be loving...and loving hugs can be FUN! AND sometimes a hug doesn't always have to mean wrapping your arms around someone. To me...when I look at Rebekah in this picture below...It's like a hug. It makes me smile...Does it make you smile?
Scroll down and how you have to careful in this house if your my kids...
You never know when you'll get a hug...kiss...or pinch:)