My man :)

Todd Williams is MY MAN!
Today is his birthday.  
I'm so glad he was born:)

I was sitting back to think how I could express the honor I feel for him.  

The LOVE I feel for him.

Most don't have of clue who he really is.

He can be quiet and seem stand offish.

He can be loud and passionate....

He is smart...oh so smart! 
He doesn't flaunt it...but he is smarter than  just about anyone I know.
He is funny, full of life and love!

As I was looking for pictures of him to post
 I saw tons of the kids :)

I had a hard time finding any of just him...I guess I have to work on that.


My heart started filling up and

 I started thinking.

You might not see his face in a lot of these pictures

 but Todd is in these pictures..

read on...

Todd IS in this one:) 
Look at him, proud as can be with his kidos!
He loves those guys...He'd do whatever he could to help them.
We are on a family trip to Sedona, AZ and the Grand Canyon...
A trip HE pushed to go on.
Another thing that happens because of him. 
He says lets just do it! 
HE really does ROCK!

 Here is Kainah. You wonder why I would pick this picture?
You see how she's being silly? In this picture she's in the rain.
She's behaving silly and acting BIG...Like "OH MAN...."
It makes me think of her Daddy and how he acts when he's being silly:)

 OH, did I say Todd being silly :) 
I love that guy! Who wants to live a boring life? 
Not me ~ He makes it fun for me

 We choose the unbeaten path sometimes....

in life and the trail :)

Off this trail we found some neats things and
the way down was steep so look
at how Rebekah's silly, rough, and tough daddy...
gently, lovely helped her down.

 Well, here's a shot of just him:) 

Below is a picture of Todd and I at the Grand Canyon.
You know when you are first married and they say

"and two become one"

As a young bride I thought I understood this.

I thought.

As the years pass and as we have grown together,

 instead of grown apart, 

I understand this more and more.

Perfect? Nothing on this earth is perfect.

I've learn not to look for perfection a long time ago except in 


I sure know if Todd looked to me for perfection he would be sorely disappointed.


How blessed I was to be matched up so early in life to my 

heavenly mate.  

 As the title says...MY MAN! 
United..I like this picture:) makes me smile~

 Our youngest, smiles runs deep...not just on the surface.
The party is celebrating her birth.
A gift because she is a gift to us.
And yet what biggest thing in this picture I want you to see is that her smile 
is not just on the's not just the gift!

 Here is a picture of Todd's nephew in our pool.
to me there's a bigger story that no one can see...
BUT the pool :) It was something Todd worked on me for a while...and
finally it was put in..
It is something that he doesn't get to use very much but 
he knew the kids and grandparents would enjoy. 

 Our oldest. Fears trouble...Fears disappointing her daddy.
loves her daddy...She says she's both a momma and a daddy's girl
but I think she's secretly she's a daddy's girl and just really loves her momma
I'm good with that :)

Raising a young man in this world that honors 
his mother and sisters
is a battle.  
Staying strong in the faith and constantly 
reminding about Gods word is what you have to do.
Having a man like Todd as his father that
honors me...Levi's mom, makes that battle a bit easier.

 When I look at Grandma and Pa, I see Todd...Maybe it should be the 
other way around...But now they are a part of me.

 Todd sees greatness in his kids.  

 We're able to go and do fun things...or be involved in sports because he works so hard.

 Todd's not in this picture but he's cheering...and he's been working with him
to help him see the gift God has given him.  That's a great dad for ya~

 Same here~

 Kainah, See her smile...She's probably thinking of her next game.
each time I see these pictures I see the spirit of their daddy in them.


Rebekah and cheer...they won first place!
We've breed a bit of a competitive spirit in them.
This football - coach - dad was there cheering on his cheerleader:)

Hannah bummed because she could not be with her dad 
and the rest of the kids
on the roller coaster due to broken L5 in her back :(

Levi...ok he defiantly has his dad spirit in him...
You can see that right?

Ginger. silly right. she is part of the family because of TODD!
He surprised me 2 years ago on our anniversary.
Diva dog..Todd calls her poopers...for good reasons, HA~
He won't admit it but he has a soft spot for her.

Grateful...this picture...I am home with the kids. I get to deal with any mishaps, attitudes,
anything that needs "adjusting"can be adjusted right away.
I'm grateful because Todd and I are on the same page.
He supports me.
This picture is me dealing with an issue. :)


I'm promoting the happiness we have.

Have we had hard times?  

You betcha! 

but the "real" how you push through adversity,  

LOOK to JESUS and find happiness. 

and try to help those around.

College ID at 15 yrs old...and all the doubters can go sit down.

He is here..
.yet he is working..
.He is here in spirit.
We are downtown. At the nutcracker..enjoying the sights of the busy city...

and will enjoy the peace of the quiet country at home. 

The home he works hard to provide for his family.

I love my man..
He is more than any words can express.
Most will not ever be able to really know him.  
Really understand WHO he really is.

I'm so blessed to have him.

My man~

This is dedicated to my man.


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