Who's your DADDY?

I'm not sure when this saying surfaced?
But it's been around for awhile  :)

It's fun to say when your ballin' on a basketball court and jokin'
with your friends.
It's been said in many circles for many reasons
last night as I was listening to my daughters tell me 
about Youth group...

"Who's your Daddy?"  Popped in my head.
First, I must say that this post will be a mixture of sorts.
I'm so blessed to have kids that want to talk to me and share with me their thoughts.
I give them their time on Wednesday nights but wish I could listen to 
the great teaching they get from Coach Val (their youth pastor).
So, I get to hear from them and they share their notes.
I'm good with that.
So, today I'm sharing with you.
A mixture of their notes, their thoughts and insight, 
of course I'll have my two cent in there as well.
Everyone has two sides.
God wants you to be Victorious!

Galations 5:16-17
"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 
For the flesh desires what is contrary to the the Spirit 
and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. 
They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want."

*What are those two sides Coach Val is talking about?
Read the verse above again to figure it out:) 
It's a battle...Be Victorious!

The Holy Spirit Empowers you, Leads you, and gives you confidence.
The Holy Spirit will do ALL this and more if....
IF you let it...


The Holy Spirit will give us an identity. 

We don't have to look on TV for one.
Or in the Halls at school.
We don't have to match up to the plastic airbrushed
 people in the magazines.
That doesn't mean we can't look cute or look for cute idea's.
But looking for who you are...

The Holy Spirit has that covered!

Your responsibility...


Don't greave the spirit.

Ephesian 4:30-32
"And don't grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were 
sealed for the day of redemption. 
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling, and slander, 
along with every form of malice. 
Be kind and compassionate to one another, 
forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

1 Thessalonian 5:21-22
....Hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.

And...Oh wait I'll save that one:)

Something Super cool Coach Val spoke about was this....

A lot of times as Christians, 
we are accused of being judgmental.
We are said that we judge people too much 
how can we call ourselves 
Christians because we judge :0

He said as Christians what most people DON'T understand is that we 




shouldn't we all do that.


Movies, books, tv, shows, food, yadayada...

I know I try to evaluate myself as a mother, wife, child of God...
And many times see I have lots of work to catch up on...
which is why evaluating is so important!
Many times I read through emails, texts, or blogs to 
see how I could have worded things differently if I've upset someone
unintentionally since I never look to hurt or upset anyone...thats me evaluating myself.
Sometimes I see I could have handled a situation better.
and other times I see that I'm in a no win situation with a person...

1 Thesslonians 4:7-8
For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.
 Therefore, anyone who rejects this instructions does not reject a human being 
but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.

 and all the Christians that stand firm in their faith


breathe out and say...

Thank you Lord.

OK, back to "Who's your daddy?"...cuz it's GOOD!

Coach Val spoke about his relationship with his kids.
He has adopted children that truly can not honestly call him 
He's ok with that.
He said the most precious name he hears that comes from his 
kids mouths is 


It's intimate.

It's closeness.

It's sweetness.

It's not cold.

It's warm.


Our heavenly Father is all powerful, 

All mighty,

All knowing...

He is HOLY!

Some have a hard time breaking from traditional
wordage...some feel maybe not saying Father..all mighty is disrespectful.
I disagree.
God wants an intimate relationship with each one of us.
Sometimes we need Him as Father...
Sometimes we need Him as...
Do you feel close enough to God to call him Daddy?

If You answered yes to the above question then the verse in the below picture 
is your unwind:) Psalms 46:10.
Sometime we...I need to be reminded of this.  Be still Sherie, yes, use the brain...the heart
...the spirit I gave you....make the choices you know you need to make and then..
sweet child of mine...
BE still...I am God...I've got this :)


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