Blogger Brain

Somedays I have so much on my heart and mind that it tumbles and tumbles.
On these days I might say to myself that I have 
"Blogger Brain"

I tend to blend and mesh many thoughts and things going on together
on days like this.

Today I am 
excited and concerned.
Joyful and yet have sorrow.
Understand but confused.

First I need to say how blessed I am to see the amazing power of God work through
my friend Kendra!
She is doing great and I could not be more proud of her.
Her dear husband has been by her side through it all...hurting through it all.
He has grown...they all have grown...we all have grown.
His heart aches for his family.
Please continue to pray for them.
Please say a special prayer for one of their little ones.
Her sweet joy has been lost through this. 
 I pray she has a chance to talk to someone to let all her emotions out.
But as her daddy said yesterday..with all the help that has come ...
no one can take the place of dad...and I will add or mom:)
The unknown is the scariest thing for us humans. 
For a child, the unknown is everything scary, everything it wishes never to be.
Please band with me to pray for her!
I will be going to see them next week.
I hope to be love - and a good stand by for what is missing.
I want to be fun and joyful:)
I'm not really sure where I'll be...up at the hospital:) or home with the kidos:)
Where ever I'll be...I plan on bringing sunshine!

On to something completely different yet still troublesome.
as much as some may not think there is a whole horrible spiritual battle going on.
When I say evil I mean just that.
I was sadden as I did some research on someone I care for and pray for regularly.
This person is caught up in this stuff:(
Blind and delusional as the mother of this person would say.
And that this battle is the Lord's.
I believe if we allow junk to feed our minds this leaves us or our kids
open for the enemy.
I'm getting ready to make a bold statement that might make some mad 
all this vampire stuff feeds just this thing.
Many say that it is just a movie or book and a fad but it is plain evil.
This gothic dark and in my book we should
portray the LIGHT not the dark side! 
I guess this is the whole thing.
The Lord want us to be like Him.
He is the Light of the world, RIGHT!
So, embrace your light side...not your dark side.
If you feel like your "dark side" is where you feel comfortable than 
bring that to God don't shun Him.

Blogger Brain switch!

This weekend we laid 18 pallets of grass.
You heard me 18 pallets.
It was only the Williams work crew.  
Pa did come out for a little bit in the AM and boy was it nice for Grams to 
make us a delicious lunch and keep the waters ice cold.
I have to say, we laid 12 pallets on Sat. and we stopped super early, 2:30, to swim 
and shower before church.
The rest was laid on Father's Day.
We are getting 5 more pallets this weekend (hopefully).
I can't tell you how lovely the yard looks.
We are hoping to break in with a nice 4th of July party with a few friends.
I'm excited and hope the families can come.  
We were all laughing to think about all the kids just 3 or 4 families would have:)
3 families = 16 kids WOW!
I'm trying to think of everything that I might need this week because 
I will not be here next week...I will be getting back the day before:0
How much fun will that be though!!!
I am hoping for some fun teen games and of course some volleyball going!
We have the grass pallets to burn so..."let's have a bon fire too!"
I know my husband...especially without me there he will have a hay day with 
the fireworks.

Volleyball camp and tryouts going on now...oh and lets not forget I'm
trying to find a club...a club that will get $3,400 of ours...ugh!
It's worth it right...She's worth it:)
It's just a big decision and it's on momma's shoulders;/

My oldest should be hearing big news anytime!!!!!
our family trip is quickly approaching:)
I've done extremely little school school so far...sheesh where is my summer going!

Well...I better just post because my brain is off somewhere else...
Im thinking blingy headbands for Kendra....

Keep tabs on your kidos.
Even if you have great still need to adjust things that go bonkers at times.
Don't let bonkers go BAM in your face...that would be bad:(
Work hard with your kids...really hard.
Make your kids work for stuff.
Don't let them 


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