A Mother Weeps

When you read the title you may think sadness yet
mothers weep for more than this.

I am not a weepy woman but have had my share of tears.

I've found myself soaked with tears, pleading to God.
Broken for a friend fighting for her life.

I mess up my make-up when I get laughing:) 
Tears just stream out when I giggle.

Tears fall when my hands are raised and the Lord seems to stop me in my tracks
during worship...

I have been watching my Kainah mature.
She came back from Church camp with a new vision.
Oh and this mother weeps with joy!

I then get a call from my Hannah.
It was so much to take in.
Of course she would have much more to tell me since she has been 
there longer and had more responsibilities.
She had sent a text just a day or 2 prior asking for prayer
and now she was explaining.

Tears fell...this mother...strong in her stand - wept.
What else could I do but listen in amazement at the glory of God and
all that He was doing up there at camp.
That my daughter was honored to be apart of His purpose.
She spoke of so much that it was hard to keep track of it all.
Washing of her feet was moving...her washing her girls feet oh my!
Her being a part of baptizing some of the girls...on and on she went.

A Mother Weeps in JOY!

A Mother Weeps in Pride...
not sinful pride but proud of what Godly and 
delightful young ladies her daughters have become and are becoming.


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