It's a New Year

When A new year comes do you make resolutions?
Do you say, "This year I'm not going to_____!"
"This year I'm going to _______!"

I think resolutions are just fine.

I actually think it's ok to make them throughout the year.

They would be in that "re-evaluating" category that is so vital to
becoming a better person each day. 

But when a New Year comes, is that all you do?

Honestly, a New Year is another day. 

Yes, I understand this.

But As I've expressed before.

Let's make life full by filling it!

Each new day can be more than just a new day.

It's just in the way you fill it.

So, on New Years day I think of the past years
but mostly I think of the most recent past year.

I'll be honest.

*Said in my New York accent*
Baby, it's been a hard year.

And yet it's been a pretty good year too!

The thing about those hard times is you learn a lot.
Praising God in those times is crucial...So never STOP PRAISING!

Boy, we've learned a lot. We still have a long way to go.

I think the hardest thing was and still stand to be is illogic and dishonesty.

Those two seem to go hand in hand.

Our only thing we have found to combat that with is this:
The truth will eventually come out and there is no reason to 
argue or try to explain anything to someone that doesn't have a logical mind.

Yeah, its been a difficult year. 
Very few know why. 
Yet, many think they know.
Which is why I posted this Jewish Proverb on Jan.1st.

"What you don't see with your eyes, Don't witness with your mouth."

God says that He will never give us more than we can handle. 

My kids, did so good in our storm...but I know they endured much this year.

I know we are stronger because of Him and all that He gives us.

Even those storms.

So, if you have people, a person, school, a sickness, an event, 
whatever that is causing a storm in your world.
Know that God is there with you in that storm.

If you stick with Him, focused on Him you WILL get through stronger!
I doesn't mean you won't make mistakes!
You won't hurt.
It doesn't mean you won't cry, or maybe even bleed.

It means you will have abundant strength from an everlasting God!

And if, by chance you lose your fight here on earth....
If your sickness beats you in this sinful world.
You have still won:)

Because then you will be with your Father.

So, grab ahold of the God that brings life and LOVE!

Know that there are things and people in this world that will....

make you stronger:)

It's a New Year. Start fresh.


Please note, this blog is mixture of thoughts, ideas, and dreams.
If it touches you in a way that makes you mad...then my apologies...don't read it.
If it touches you and makes you cry, pray, or do something good in your life because of it...
keep reading!!!
This blog is mainly for my kids....wisdom, or not so much  HA!
Memories that we've shared. 
Things that I've seen, felt, heard, and what I felt when I saw them.

I don't name names unless I know the person wouldn't mind.  
So, if you don't see a name don't assume you know 
who it is...because I  know a lot of people and do a lot of things for those people.  

I say some of this because....Well, I'll just say it.
Sometime last year, I wrote in my little blog that no body reads 
besides a couple family members and maybe a 
couple friends, some out of state or out of the country.
I was writing about joy...and then in the middle of my day I had to get 
something off my chest.  
So, I wrote about an incident that happened 
that day. It wasn't long but I spoke about how I was shocked.
I didn't name any names. The sad thing is...Because of that small thing
bitterness and anger built.  I had a hard time understanding why.
  It does make me sad yet when I go back and reread it I see I have done 
nothing wrong. All that was said was how
I felt on the reaction of another unnamed persons.  
If those person reacted different later
then wonderful.
So, My New Years NOTE to the VERY few that might jump on this blog.
This is my blog. 
 I write it and I use it to write for me,
for my kids, for family that would like to be here but can't,
I do not use it to hurt people, or make them look bad.

Most writers will use life experiences to get their point across.  
I have been know to do that too.

If you know me...And you notice that my topic sounds a lot like
something that happened a few weeks ago....
Maybe I'm stemming my writing process from that or maybe not.
Maybe it is what sparked the juices or maybe it gave me a great 
teaching lesson for me to write out for my kids down the road.

Bottom line.  

It's my blog!

 I write it and I use it to write for me,
for my kids, for family that would like to be here but can't,
I do not use it to hurt people, or make them look bad.

End of story:)


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