A Laughing matter

It is a scientific fact that laughter is good for you.

Before we look at laughter and it's wonder, 
I think we should look at it's

"Mr. Smile"

Smiling does a number on you too.

First, when you smile...your face just looks prettier.
I think it's the way God has designed us to look 
because everybody looks
so much better with a smile on:)

Not only do you look better with a smile on but a smile 

uplifts your spirit, 

even if just a little bit.

When you smile those around you want to smile...

It's a brain thing they can't even help.

Positive juices just flow with a smile.

So, I understand why 'Buddy the Elf' said, 
"Smiling's my favorite!"

Let's get back to Laughter.

The healthy kind.  Is there any other kind, you may ask?

Why yes there is. 

Sadly, I reply.

The kind that can scar a lifetime.  
The kind that echos in the back of 
a child, teen, and even an adult mind.
The kind that takes work to drown out. 
Yes, there are all types of laughter. 
 I think we all know that.

The one I'm referring to is the good kind.

The good for your soul kind.

You have the chuckle.

The giggle.

The squeal.

You have the silent...laughing so hard that nothing comes out.

 Grandma refers to loving to have a good belly laugh.
Those are always good!  
She says it's good to have at least one a day:)

I've recently have been known to have the laugh that had me squealing, 
crying, and you guessed it...wetting myself (THANKS SIS)

So, why is this thing called laughter good for you?

Grams will say, it burns calories:) and is good for the soul!

I'll say that is pretty good~

1. It BOOST your immune system.  
Can you believe that? 
It increases the number of anti-body T-Cells.
 It also, help lower certain hormones that make us tense and anxious.

2. Laughter helps reduce PAIN
It releases endorphins into your system.

3.Laughter is like a mini-workout~
 You know when your side aches after a good laugh?
 It's because your exercising the diaphragm and contracting your
abdominal muscles...even your shoulders get a little workout sometimes.

**Laughing 100X's is the equivalent to 10 mins on the 
rowing machine or 15 mins on an exercise bike.


4.Laughter protects your heart.  
This is according to the University of Maryland.
Laughter has been found to benefit the way the blood flows 
around the body,reducing the chance of heart disease.

8. Laughter lowers blood pressure.

9. Laughter improves breathing
 It helps you to empty those lungs out! As a result it has a cleansing effect.

10.Laughter Helps you LOSE WIEGHT!

Yep, you read right.

According to my research...
A good hearty chuckle 

raises your heart rate and speeds up the metabolism.

So, there you have it.


For good things...

Spread a smile:)

Drop the drama...and laugh because life is waiting to be lived to the fullest!

Live it with LOVE

Live it Happy!

Unwind today with a good hardy laugh.  
When I was a kid I used to make myself laugh...
It sounds silly I know.
What I remember from doing that is that I ended up laughing for real.
Soooo, if you have nothing to laugh about just start laughing because.
Do it in your car or in the shower.  You'll end up laughing.
I'm sure of it:)


Some if this information is from


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