This life is amazing!
This life can zoom by you without any notice if you don't watch for it.

Do you ever watch reality game shows?
Sometimes they have a person in safety gear.

Goggles - Helmet - Gloves 
Head to toe gear

The challenge: To grab as many of the objects flying by.
Tricky thing...They're flying by at 100 MPH!

The contestants usually grab a few objects but usually look pretty beaten 
up when it's all said and done and they feel very much humbled.
Humbled because they thought they'd be able to grab better:)

Well, let's just say so many times I feel like that contestant.

Sitting at my desk helps me to slow the "air speed".

But the objects..."Life"- still spins on.

I'm amazed by the grace God has on me...this unworthy child of his.
I can say I have a heart for Jesus...A blessing indeed.

He jokes with me and humbles me on the other stuff.

Showing that Not Me But HE!


I'm sitting at my desk with my daughters distant learning 
high school on one side and my dads missionary invite event on the other.

I'm thinking of next month and a 16th Birthday party and if her friends 
will drive the distance to come out here.
The driver license that will be in her young hands.
The scholarships that are now needing to be researched.  
The dual credit college courses this spring.  
The dances.
All the doctor visits...the co-op classes.
Math struggles and victories!
Reading struggles and victories!
Hours at the bar teaching...On the couch the car teaching...

I'm reminded of the verse in Deuteronomy
Verse 11:19
Teach them to your children.
Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road,
when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.

Do you know that all that teaching we bring What God would want from us in somehow?

I could miss out on so much if I just took them to point A and point B.

If I didn't joke with them about boys and girls and then talk
serious about saving our hearts and our purity in the same conversation
because we can:)

Sometimes this life zooms by as fast as the cars on the busy highways I
drive my kids all in and day out.

Sometimes I have to say...WAIT stop! I need to see this.
Hold come something fast and furious.

I recently let life go by without me for 2 hours and enjoyed a 2 hour massage.
Those jewels are just fine as long as you jump back in to reality.


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