The Call to help:

Some are no brainers and easily made.
Some are ask the Lord for clarity, you search your heart,
and then you choose.
What about those times when you know you should do something but
your choice to do causes sacrifice.  
You need to then decide if the sacrifice is worth it.

Here is where you find me this morning. 

When my friend in the hospital calls for help, even if it's 2,200 miles
away, my whole heart that has been broken, praying, and wanting to 
do more screams out and waves her hands...yes yes...I'll help.

I wish I could bring her kids back here to TX.
So I can care more for, teach, love on for longer than a week
but the choice is their's and now they need help.

Mom being gone for a whole week has never happened here at the 
Williams house, ever.
As my sweet friend in the hospital used to say,
we live a crazy busy life:)

For me to leave and have my kids cared for, many things need to be in line.
And then there is my love.
You know when you're married..two becomes one.
I once went to visit a friend for 3 days---that was about the max:)
I'm not complaining.  
The fact that my husband doesn't like me being gone is a good thing
but does put a little struggle in my heart as I know I must help.

My prayer is that he sees how important and meaningful this sacrifice is.

So I stick to what I feel I should do and pray the Lord will cover
my family with grace, as their "keeper"will be gone to be Jesus to someone in need.

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us.

Lord, I pray you will make a beautiful thing out of me...
by my hands, my feet, my actions Lord.
Jesus I am yours...all my days I am yours.
I am forever yours!

If you are called to help....HELP!
Find a way somehow. 
Sometimes you might have to look outside the box and be creative.
We can't all fly off 2,200 miles away.
We all can pray.  What else?
Help those in need organize those that can fly the distance.
Created a standardized way for those your helping so it won't be such a
change with each person coming in.
Help in some way if you're called.


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