*The Queen of Brussels sprouts (her blog)...aka Kendra:)
First, I need to thank all of my fellow prayer warriors for praying.
PLEASE continue to pray for her. God is doing GREAT things in her healing progress!
As a person who feels like she's in prayer mode all the time...somedays it's nice to see those prayers in concrete. I think the Lord has been training me for this time in my life.
From Kendra's family
Fantastic Praises!!!
News from Seattle revealed awesome progress.
Kendra was pain free for a time today!!
While Michele, Kendra's awesome Seattle friend was visiting, she was pain free and NOT on any pain meds. She was alert and comfortable. Praise the Lord for awesome miracles.
Kendra was awake and alert for her therapy sessions and was able to hold her head up proudly while sitting, with assistance at the side of the bed dangling her legs, demonstrating better control of her core muscles. Her tummy was relieved and feeling so much better too. Priceless tidbits of joy that bring tears to momma and daddy's eyes. She also tolerated the valve on her trach for an hour instead of just 10 minutes...great progress toward being able to talk, swallow etc. Another blessing is that her WBC was down to 8800 from 19,000. A much healthier level and back to normal. No fever, No antibiotics going right now and the PICC line was already removed, but she is still on blood thinners from the clot related to that.
One of the most awesome things about today is that" after three neurological exams this morning of her right upper extremity, to which the conclusion was "flaccid" (paralyzed) was made, Kendra purposefully moved (exaggerated twitch) her right ring finger, both in flexion and extension about half a dozen times each way. It was the FIRST time she demonstrated movement in her right hand since we have been here...HUGE!!! Praise the Lord!!!" direct from Scott's text to us.Please celebrate and be thankful with us at these tremendous steps of healing. We know who to thank and who gets all the glory!!!. Please continue to pray with us for her complete and whole body healing. Also for strength for Scott and his ability to stay at her side to encourage and comfort her along the way. The children remain in Alaska as does Kirstin. We are working round the clock to remedy that and to fly all of them to be together with their families. Our entire family thanks you for your prayers and love throughout this journey and we treasure your input.
Grateful for all,
Momma & Dad
When you have faith and trust in our Lord you can "Unwind."
Enough said.
This fighting verse is for my friend!
Jeremiah 1:17-19
17 “Get up and prepare for action.
Go out and tell them everything I tell you to say.
Do not be afraid of them,
or I will make you look foolish in front of them.
18 For see, today I have made you strong
like a fortified city that cannot be captured,
like an iron pillar or a bronze wall.
You will stand against the whole land—
the kings, officials, priests, and people of Judah.
19 They will fight you, but they will fail.
For I am with you, and I will take care of you.
I, the Lord, have spoken!”