A never ending battle~
I never realized the battle a prayer warrior must fight.
Sometimes you have battles that last and last.
Praying without ceasingtakes every bit of endurance you have.
Your whole soul yarns and it drains you.
I am here.
I've been taking on the role of a prayer warrior, gladly.
I've been asking those in need if I could pray for them because I saw it a benefit
for both sides.
For them and then I get to spend time with my father.
This was training.
I was in a comfortable state to pray and my heart was truly theirs to give.
Then-a friend gets cancer, and then another friend:(
They are recovering and we are hopeful, praise the Lord.
And then my friend steps on deaths door.
All her prayer warriors bring all guns a blazin'
All glory to God she survived but here the battle still rages.
Today, I've been on the battle field and yet I still need to try to be present to
my own family.
They are sweet and understanding.
I jumped on Facebook and saw some friends smiling:)
They are on a great trip to England and look like they are having a fabulous time.
It was such a blessing to me.
It brought me sunshine.
So, I reboot my engines...I write to download my emotions a bit.
Even if I skip word or mess up on my grammar.
anyone who knows me know why...my silly pills:)
If I hurry you'll sure to find more....and I'm sure to hurry as my time is always short.
I've said this so many times.
You never know how your smile will touch a persons life.