The other day Todd asked me if I could teach Levi to do a front handspring.
Well, he has the power, the muscles, but the flexibility in his back is another thing.
You need that for that flip.
For Levi, most things...athletically speaking come easy.
His determination and will can pretty much guarantee that he will succeed.
So, getting to the front handspring...He was having trouble.
You can't just "get" a flexibility in your back if you haven't been working on it.
His sister would show a pro:)
and then he would try---Smash, on his rear end again!
Good thing I have a soft landing pad for them to try all their stunts on.
After a while of trying and failing I began to hear a whence of sorts from him.
I started to think he was hurt.
With more intensity he would go..and more intensity fall:(
He was not breaking for rest and the sweat began to bead down his face.
I told him to take it in take a break.
But he was determined and stubborned, I guess.
He never really got it but he got very close.
The same sort of thing happened with Rebekah last night.
She was tumbling and wanted to get her double back handspring.
She got it!
Then dad said to try 3 back handsprings.
This became a mental block for her but the determined face and attitude change
I saw in Levi came out of Rebekah.
She was able to do the 3 back twice but her poor arms and legs were
completely spent.
Is it bad that I...kind of love that determination!
We have raised our family to always try to be better in everything.
To push yourself to be whatever the Lord has made you to be
and not to "short change" God.
We can't all tumble like Bekah, or throw a 45 yard pass at the age of 11 like Levi.
My husband has greatness all over him.
Strong in muscle:) and in spirit.
Soft to me when I need...
In over 17 yrs of marriage I've seen him grow into his greatness.
A great husband and father. He is determined.
We live our life determined to be better each day...not better than everyone else
better than we were yesterday.
Determined to raise a family united.
One that will follow Christ.
That will support each other in times of need and time when there is no need.
Determined to raise a well rounded family.
You'll see us for sure in the sports world but you can find us around the arts,
music, learning about the many different cultures and more.
When the time comes for my children to step out, I do not
want my young adults to feel uncomfortable out in the
world as they share their faith.
The faith that makes them truly great.
I'm blessed that I get to see greatness everyday.
I pray I will keep my eyes on the
greatness our Lord shows me each day and not get lazy in my walk to my own greatness.