The gift she doesn't know she has

"Forgiveness is not a gift you give someone.
It's a gift you give yourself."

I love to sit and talk to my children but when I talk to my 
oldest and listen to her speak of her notes from youth service and her insight
I gain so much...I'm reminded and I myself learn.

Hannah complains sometimes that she doesn't have a great gift.
She sees her siblings and their gifts. They have gifts that you see.
Their gifts are gifts that bring crowds..people cheer and it comes easy to them.
Hannah has always had to work extra hard for almost everything.
There is one thing that has always come second nature to her yet seems to be
a task that others in this world need to work on.
Doing what is right, Morals, Spiritual maturity, understanding God's words...
Pleasing others before herself...a servant's heart.

She teaches me as I sit and talk to her.
I listen to her frustration on why a certain set of girls keep speaking untruths
and ugliness about her for no reason but to be mean...
I see that she doesn't speak the same back, doesn't call them out, doesn't
do anything but distance herself.
She might ask why to her friends that might have insight.
What have I done to cause such hatefulness behind my back.
But no one knows and so she doesn't let it control her.
How mature is that?
Not a common teenager if you ask me.

She is better than I was at 16.
Although, I didn't have Jesus living in my heart back then.

Even though she decided to not fight fire with fire...
the Lord grabbed her heart this week on this situation.


At church they spoke about forgiveness and
she said she felt like she was able to check a lot of them off until they got to
one of the last points.
They told the students that even though you may have people that...
unfairly speak untruths and poor things about you for no reason at all,
you don't have to be enemies.
YOU don't have to "not" like that person because...they are a child of God.
You just distance yourself from them.
Hannah felt like God was speaking to her.
Yes, she had distanced herself but she felt like she did not like these people either.

I think, she felt like these people were people that were nice to her and then spoke
mean things about her behind her back and she had a hard time
liking a person like that.
I think, she felt like these people wanted to
come in between a special friendship and she
has a hard time liking a person like that, too.
she so obedient to our Lord.
When she feels the Lord wants her to do something she does questions.

It's a gift.

A heart soft for God.
One that can listen to and hear Him clearly.
A servant for him.
So, like she does with everything, she will give it to God and obey:)

It's her gift.

Someday she'll see, I hope.
Her gift is eternal and will bless people for a lifetime.

Sometimes it's important to let your students teach you!


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